Britest Senior Innovation Specialist Rob Peeling has just been elected as the new Chair of Congress for the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).
Rob Peeling, F. IChemE
A Fellow of the IChemE, Rob has served as a Functional Representative on Congress since it was established in 2018. Congress is the member advisory body of the Institution comprising up to 40 volunteer members elected by their peers. It acts a sounding board and advises the Board of Trustees on matters of interest to IChemE and its members. This includes reviewing and advising on changes to the governance and operation of IChemE, as well as providing the members’ view to the Institution on strategic initiatives.
In his expanded role Rob will lead Congress and manage its interaction with the IChemE CEO and Board of Trustees through a Steering Group. The Board of Trustees and/or the Executive may request feedback from Congress on items of importance to membership. Working with the Chair and Vice-Chair, Congress members review and provide collective and joint comments to formal governance documentation such as the Royal Charter, By-laws and Regulations to support the desire to make these ‘living documents’.
Our congratulations to Rob on this important and influential new role.