A new paper by Britest's Rob Peeling describes a methodology for setting commercialisation objectives for sustainability in an innovative project
A poster recently presented by Britest exemplifies some new and improved approaches towards holistic qualitative and semiquantitative models for whole process understanding aligned with the needs of those in the chemical, biochemical and related process industries seeking to accelerate the transformation required to successfully respond to the threat of climate change
Britest is playing a crucial linking and communications role in a a new four-year European project that will contribute to the sustainable development of pharmaceuticals, by using and promoting lifecycle approaches to their design, manufacture, usage, and disposal
Britest's latest white paper describes the alignment of some current and future developments in the Britest approach with the needs of the process industries seeking to respond positively to climate change.
A new report shares Britest's experience of the challenges presented by COVID-19 lockdown restrictions along with an analysis of significant benefits quantified in terms of time, money, and emissions saved, and new possibilities created by successfully harnessing remote working and service delivery.
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report - Innovation is key The newly published IPPC Sixth Assessment Report lays out a clear but stark picture of climate change. It’s here already, it’s going to get worse, and human activity has unequivocally caused it. However, if human activity has got us into this
Dr. Silvia Tedesco of Manchester Metropolitan University explains how the InnovateUK funded proof of concept project is exploring the feasibility of turning a significant industrial process side stream - paper mill sludge - into the strategically important platform chemical Levulinic Acid.
Britest is to facilitate enhanced impact of the new MultiCycle project, a three-year EC Horizon 2020 Innovation Action which will deliver an industrial recycling pilot plant for thermoplastic-based multi-materials allowing selective recovery of pure plastics and fibres from mixed wastes without downgrading. Britest will be applying insight into building effective, flexible training resources from previous projects, and piloting the SPRING framework for enhanced project impact in the EC SPIRE process industries..
From Collaborative Projects to Education and Training Resources It is self-evident that if the process industries are to become more sustainable, current and future workforces must be able to learn about the innovative technologies and approaches being developed in collaborative projects. A
Britest to lead European Horizon 2020 sustainability project Britest is to lead the co-ordination of project STYLE - a two year coordinated support activity across the European process sectors, funded by the Horizon 2020 / SPIRE programme. Launched in January 2015, project STYLE aims to identify