Read how a Britest facilitator was able to help a contract manufacturing organisation who did not know the Britest tools identify a common language for effective technology transfer.
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- KNOWLEDGE SHARING- TECHNICAL FACILITATIONCustom ManufactureProcess DesignTechnology Transfer
- COMPLEX DECISION MAKING- EFFECTIVE COLLABORATION- KNOWLEDGE SHARING- OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE- PROBLEM SOLVING- TECHNICAL FACILITATION- WHOLE PROCESS UNDERSTANDINGAnalytical ChemistryBest PracticeBiotechnologyCustom ManufactureFoodHorizon ScanningInnovationPharmaProcess DesignProcess EfficiencyProcess ImprovementScale-upSkills DevelopmentSpeciality ChemicalsSustainabilityTechnology TransferTOOL - Driving Force AnalysisTOOL - Initial Screening AnalysisTOOL - Process Definition DiagramTOOL - Process Information Summary MapTOOL - Rich PicturesTOOL - Transformation MapTraining