When a multinational pharmaceutical manufacturer wanted to get to a deep understanding of a strategically important analytical method to inform improved training and method standardisation the Britest methodology was used to complement established methods of Analytical Risk Assessment. A tailored DuDES analysis identified opportunities to remove subjectivity from the method, leading to harmonisation across departments and external partners, identification of actions to improve training materials and the internal standardised method, and consequential benefits for in-country testing.
Facing the challenge of needing to know whether to commit further to the commercialisation of an innovative process in the early stages when data is limited, the partners in the LevWave collaboration were able to benefit from Britest successfully piloting an understanding-based methodology for setting commercialisation objectives allowing key risks and knowledge gaps to be identified and addressed.
Stu Brew is Europe’s first student run microbrewery, helping students gain hands on experience at running a business, operating equipment and researching sustainability improvements for the brewing process. This case study describes how Britest tools have been used by Newcastle University to support operation of the microbrewery, and in particular to help train student operators to enhance process understanding.