Chemistry Innovation and Britest Limited form ‘strategic partnership’ in manufacturing design to support UK industry.

Britest has formed a strategic partnership with Chemistry Innovation KTN - to identify and develop leading edge knowledge and innovative technologies in manufacturing design - in support of UK chemical-using industries.   

Britest will take the lead in developing strategy and implementation programmes for ‘whole process design’ - a major component of manufacturing design. Britest will use the collaborative strengths of its international members to build on the focus and dynamics of ‘whole process design’ as a key driver for improving process innovation and manufacturing competitiveness.

Whole Process Design ensures that all process operations from starting materials to finished product are carried out in the most effective and efficient way. Through unique collaboration amongst its international member companies, Britest has successfully developed and deployed innovative tools and methodologies that are delivering business benefits at a much faster pace than companies could achieve independently.

Manufacturing Design is one of seven key priority areas within Chemistry Innovation Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) that will enable the UK chemistry-using industries to compete more effectively with lower cost economies and sustain key components of their manufacturing base.

The strategic partnership between Chemistry Innovation and Britest has already helped to secure a £2.7 million grant from the EPRSC to fund visionary academic research projects in manufacturing design.

Chemistry Innovation CEO Carol Boyer said: “The UK already has a number of exponents of manufacturing design improvement within the academic base and industry. Through this strategic partnership with Britest, we’re now looking jointly to accelerate the process and benefits of this by raising awareness and providing scope for these concepts to be adopted more widely across UK industry”. 

Britest CEO Sue Fleet said: “Britest has a proven track record in delivering business benefits for its international member companies, as well as addressing the challenges for sustainable manufacturing”. She added: “We are delighted to be taking the lead in this important initiative for Chemistry Innovation and using our international experience to develop long term benefits for UK Industry through improved innovation and better understanding of whole process design principles”.