Supporting Women in STEM at Daresbury

Britest is pleased to be supporting local efforts at Sci-Tech Daresbury to encourage a mutual support network amongst female workers involved in all aspects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics across the North-West's dynamic high-tech business campus.

Senior Innovation Specialist Amy Peace will be speaking at Daresbury WiSTEM's June meeting Women across Daresbury site, on 22nd June 2017 at 11am, in the Thomson Room, A Block, Daresbury Lab, describing aspects of how she applies her Chemical Engineering background to her current focus on the coordination of European projects relating to sustainability and the impact of collaborative projects.

The WiSTEM group is to promote the participation of women in the underrepresented fields of science technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), as well as to create a network at Daresbury that can support each other, encouraging equality and diversity on site. The group is open to anyone regardless of gender, age, or educational background.

For more on Britest's coordination of European level projects, contact Amy Peace.