CMAC Future Manufacturing Research Hub

Building on the significant success of the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Continuous Manufacturing and Crystallisation, the CMAC Future Manufacturing Research Hub is addressing the urgent need to translate new molecules into high-value products through rapid predictive development pathways and integrated continuous manufacturing systems, enabling more personalised, responsive and flexible product provision through digitalised supply chains.

CMAC’s leading manufacturing research programme is funded by the EPSRC Manufacturing Research Hub programme and is structured with the University of Strathclyde at the hub, with delivery achieved by a multidisciplinary and collaborative academic team at the Universities of Bath, Cambridge, Imperial College, Loughborough, Leeds and Sheffield. The shared vision, scope, and programme for CMAC has been developed through close collaboration with industry, with GSK, AZ, Bayer, Lilly, Novartis, Roche and Takeda having seats on the board, along with a Tier 2 membership representing 17 technology companies including Britest Limited.

For further information:

Visit the CMAC website.
